Trying not to think of the tragedy in Abruzzo, I put my head down in the local newspapers... and I get into a different “tragedy”: the situation in Madagascar.
Some of you asked us for an update, well, here a brief one.
As you probably know, Ravalomanana had to flee the country (he went to Swaziland to plead his case to the SADC), and Rajoelina is now the president of HAT (the high transition authority), basically the President until new elections (2010? 2011?). Many countries and international organizations have condemned the new power, labelling it as unconstitutional and speaking of coup d’etat. Supporters of the now former President are protesting in the streets of Tana, but the new power repressed some of those protests, also trough military means. Maybe forgetting the freedom of speech and democracy values, they where shouting for just few weeks ago.
In Toliara everything is calm, too calm. Restaurants and hotels are semi deserted, and tourists are basically unseen. The economy of the country is uncertain as many of the international donors froze the flow of money due to the nature of the current government. Furthermore, with this instability in the country, who is going to invest money in Madagascar? Who is going to organize an exotic and relaxing travel here?
The HAT reduced the price of the oil in the market, the prices of transport in some areas, the prices of bread. The last one came out as flop: people noticed that the bread became also smaller; making it actually more expensive for big families (those buying 1 baguette for 300Ar, now need to buy 2 baguettes at 200Ar… so 400Ar). The newspapers report the flop, but only in their 5th or 6th page. The youngest head of state in the world is in the meanwhile touring the country, making promises, and offering Zebus. We actually catch a glimpse of him parading the streets of Toliara with people flocking around him.
Going on with the newspapers reading, we can even find news about Tiko. Do you remember Ravalomanana’s private empire? The one producing and distributing milk derivates, oil, etc? Well, after the looting of the retail Tiko stores, the factory was still functioning (but not delivering) in Antsirabe. I said “was” because few days ago the factory was looted too, apparently by the military troops of a new auto-proclaimed general. Since than, Tiko is publishing adds on newspapers, reporting the “unjust” actions of HAT. According to the new power, those actions are justified, as Ravalomanana hasn’t paid taxes in the last years. Probably true. Nevertheless the HAT hasn’t said what will happen to the 3.500 employee that worked at Tiko. Nor what will happen to those transporting their products. Nor what will happen to those selling products to Tiko (milk from Fifamanor, etc.). Nor what the stores will sell now, as Tiko had the monopoly of some products in the country.
We noticed that at the Toliara famous disco, girls under 18 are numerous, seeming less scared to get checked by the police. Another “old” rule enforced by Ravalomanana, a friend told me… while waiting to see if the HAT will enforce it too entrance seems free to everyone: a small sign of a more general anarchy in the air.
Ravalomanana is gone now, however he is announcing to come back soon. We again, wait to see what will happen…