Back to Madagascar, this time we got our courtesy visa quickly: 24h and we were ready to leave Tana! With an Air Madagascar plane this time, as the Route National 7 is gorgeous, but also very long. We sent part of our luggage by taxi brousse (Air France allowed us 46Kg each, while internal AirMad flights allow 20Kg), and everything arrived safe 2 days after us.
We expected to have a hectic start, as a Fredskorpet conference was to be held in Toliara starting from two days later. We met with Bartelemy, Lucien David and De l’Or, to get an update on what was left to do, to discover that all was finished and we could just wait the arrival of Kåre (our responsible from SIK) and Saliuo (from FK), to start working on the very last things.
Friday 21st, just before dinner we discovered that some people from Tana couldn’t make it to the conference, but most of the people we booked meals and hotels from, had no problems to adjust to the new number (valid for Etoile de Mer, Esterel and Chez Andrea in Sarondrano; a bit less valid for Palétuvier).
We wont describe here the conference, but we would like to say that everything went fine, and we were overwhelmed with the level of participation during the work. The meeting had as main goal to create a Malagasy FK network, and people worked very good together. Most of the people there were Malagasy who participated to an FK exchange to Norway before. It means that they lived and worked in Norway for several months (as we’re doing here), and they all speak Malagasy, French, English and…Norwegian! Some of them even know some words of Italian!
Everyday we meet people (expatriates), who don’t believe Malagasy people are interested to work hard to improve things in the country. Worst, we meet people who think Malagasy don’t have the capacity to do so. Well, what we can say loud and strong is that at the conference there was plenty of clever and motivated people who have plans for this country. Malagasy who are not naïve, and are ready to work hard and long to ameliorate others’ life condition. FK seems to be there to support those resourceful people, and we’re very glad for that.
The FK conference in Toliara was a great opportunity for us, to work together with interesting people and enrich our experience!
So, back to Toliara: lot of energy, positive thoughts, and all good!
Sarondrano (south of Toliara):

A little present we made for those attending the conference:

Folkloristic evening, students from the university of Toliara perform dances for us:

Few days after the end of the conference we got an invitation to go to Lavanono, very south of Madagascar, and then to Forth Dauphin east side. Could we refuse? Not.
This was a trip we wanted to do, so now we did it in a few intense days. Antonie, who is doing research for her Phd, invited us. She will have to forgive us if we say it imperfectly, but she does research on the population’s perception of the QMM-Rio Tinto mining activities in Forth Dauphin. A very interesting topic we cannot get too tired of discussing. With her we also had the opportunity of exchanging opinion, material and tips for each others research work, while travelling trough some very interesting areas of Madagascar, were traditions and landscapes are very different from Toliara.
We recommend Lavanono if you like surfing in a beautiful surrounding; and Forth Dauphin as the city has some lovely beaches all around! Great experience.
On the way to Forth Dauphin from Lavanono:

Market in Ampanihy:

Market in Lavanono:

Sculpture from a Mahafaly tomb:


Market in Lavanono:


Forth Dauphin:

Forth Dauphin from the plane looks like southern Italy!

Around Toliara:

Market in Lavanono:

Lunch in Forth Dauphin:


Toliara from the airplane:

Just discovering this FK project. Lovely pictures BTW. Having spent my childhood and teenage within a Malagasy-norwegian program in Madagascar (Fifamanor), I'm delighted to see that norwegian areas has expanded in Madagascar.
BTW, I'm trying to "republish" RSS feeds of blogs talking about Madagascar that may be interesting to travellers, having read your posts, I think this can be a very good input for my own blog at
If you allow me to do it, I'll be more than happy to republish your RSS feeds on
Hello Hery,
Nice to hear from you, especially since you’ve spent you childhood at Fifamanor, just like I have. My father was working there from 81 – 83 , and then we were in Antsirabe, where he worked for Romanor from 86 – 88. When did you live there?
When it comes to FK it’s a very interesting way of doing cooperation. No big investments, just exchange of people. Apart from our exchange, there is one between Antsirabe (commune) and Stavanger, one involving the SFM school in Fandriana and one between FLM-Jeune and NMS-U. It is open both to public and private institutions. (
We would be happy to be apart of the RSS feed of We are not extremely consistant when it comes to writing at our blog, but we try to update it when we have something interesting to tell.
Best regards,
Birger and Venusia
Wow, det virker så meningsfullt, det dere gjør. Snakk om å få nye perspektiver på ting. For noen fantastiske omgivelser også. Herlige bilder.
Hey Birger,
too bad my subscription to comments on this feed didn't work, I missed your answer to my comment.
I grew up in Fifamanor (in Mimosa especially) from 74 to 91 ...
Just read your last post where you said you're leaving Madagascar...Have you left yet?
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